

Recently, after relaxing the application conditions for visas to China, many foreigners are considering to work in China. Meanwhile, many enterprises have not recruited foreign personnel before. Thus they will encounter a series of problems when recruiting foreign employees. How to avoid the situation that may constitute illegal employment if they are not careful?


Now, Dahe will explain to you that if foreigners want to work legally in enterprises, they need to pay attention to the following seven matters:


The difference between labor relations and labor relations:




Foreigners should go through employment formalities for employment. Only when the work permit + work type residence permit are completed, can the enterprise use working hours, and the two parties can form a labor relationship. If it is not approved, foreigners have already worked in enterprises, which is illegal employment.

Then, if a foreigner who has not obtained a foreigner's work permit according to law signs a labor contract with the enterprise first, will it constitute a labor relationship?

Article 14 of the interpretation of the Supreme People's Court on Several Issues concerning the application of laws in the trial of labor dispute cases (IV) stipulates that if a foreigner signs a labor contract with an employing enterprise in China without obtaining an employment certificate according to law, or if a resident of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan signs a labor contract with an employer in the mainland without obtaining an employment certificate according to law, the people's court will not support the request of the party concerned to confirm that there is a labor relationship with the employer.


According to the provisions of Article 43 of the law of the people's Republic of China on the administration of exit and entry, an alien who commits one of the following acts shall be considered as illegal employment:







(1) Working in China without obtaining a work permit and a work type residence certificate in accordance with the provisions; (2) Working in China beyond the scope of work permit; (3) Foreign students who, in violation of the regulations on the administration of work study, work in China beyond the prescribed post scope or time limit.

The maximum fine that an employing enterprise that illegally employs foreigners may face will be increased from 50000 yuan to 100000 yuan.

The maximum fine that foreigners who illegally work in China may face will be raised from 1000 yuan to 20000 yuan. If the circumstances are serious, they will also be detained for five to fifteen days until they are deported, and may not be allowed to enter the country for ten years from the date of deportation.

At the same time, Article 80 of the law stipulates that foreigners who are illegally employed shall be fined not less than 5000 yuan but not more than 20000 yuan; If the circumstances are serious, he shall be detained for not less than five days but not more than 15 days and shall also be fined not less than 5000 yuan but not more than 20000 yuan.

Where a foreigner is introduced to work illegally, the individual shall be fined 5000 yuan for each person illegally introduced, and the total amount shall not exceed 50000 yuan; The enterprise shall be fined 5000 yuan for each person illegally introduced and the total amount shall not exceed 100000 yuan; If there is any illegal income, the illegal income shall be confiscated.

Whoever illegally employs foreigners shall be fined 10000 yuan for each person illegally employed and the total amount shall not exceed 100000 yuan; If there is any illegal income, the illegal income shall be confiscated.


When it comes to the employment procedures for foreigners, the first reaction may be "Employment Permit" and "Employment Permit".


According to the national regulations, from April 1, 2017, the "integration of two permits" will be implemented, that is, for those who have worked in China for more than 90 days, the foreign expert permit (permit for foreign experts to come to China) and the employment permit (permit for foreigners to enter China for employment) will no longer be issued, and the notice on work permit for foreigners and the work permit for foreigners will be officially launched.






Which foreigners can be exempted from applying for a foreigner's work permit? There are mainly four types of personnel:

(1) Foreign professional technology and management personnel directly funded and hired by the Chinese government, or foreign professional technology and management personnel funded and hired by state organs and institutions, with senior technical titles or special skills qualification certificates confirmed by national or international authoritative technology management departments or industry associations, and foreigners with foreign expert certificates issued by the foreign experts Bureau;

(2) Foreign labor personnel who hold the permit for foreigners to engage in offshore oil operations in the people's Republic of China and are engaged in offshore oil operations without landing and have special skills;

(3) Foreigners who are approved by the Ministry of culture to carry out commercial literary and artistic performances with the temporary business performance license;

(4) Foreigners holding permanent residence permit for foreigners in China.


What are the differences between the employment of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan residents and foreigners in China? According to the previous regulations, the employment of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan residents in China also needs to apply for employment permits. If you do not handle the employment without authorization, it will also constitute illegal employment. The following is a comparison between the two under the old regulations: it should be clear that since August 2018, the relevant departments have not accepted the application of new employment permits for the residents of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan in China. That is, in the future, the residents of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan in China, like other migrant workers, will directly form labor relations with the employer and directly sign labor contracts.




● labor contract

Once a foreigner is employed in a domestic enterprise according to law, according to the relevant provisions of the regulations on the administration of employment of foreigners in China, the enterprise shall sign a labor contract with the employed foreigner, and the term of the labor contract shall not exceed five years.






According to this provision, we can draw the following two conclusions:

First, a foreigner who has gone through the employment formalities in accordance with the law establishes a labor relationship with the employer, and the relevant labor laws and regulations of China shall apply according to the law. Therefore, the enterprise shall sign a labor contract with the foreigner within one month from the date of employment. Otherwise, the foreigner has the right to require the employer to bear the legal liability for not signing a labor contract.

Second, the term of the labor contract. According to the regulations, enterprises and employed foreigners shall conclude labor contracts according to law. The maximum term of a labor contract shall not exceed five years. The labor contract shall be terminated upon the expiration of the term, but may be renewed after the examination and approval procedures are completed in accordance with Article 19 of the provisions.

Therefore, when foreigners establish labor relations with domestic enterprises and sign labor contracts, the types of labor contracts are limited to fixed-term labor contracts with a term of no more than five years, and the provisions on labor contracts with no fixed term are not applicable. Similarly, labor contracts with a term of completing certain tasks are not applicable.

In this regard, China's provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions have different views, and very few of them recognize such agreements that break the law. For example, Article 16 of the notice of Shanghai on the implementation of the provisions on the administration of employment of foreigners in China: the rights and obligations between the enterprise and the foreign person who is approved to be employed with respect to the employment period, position, remuneration, insurance, working hours, conditions for terminating the employment relationship, liability for breach of contract and other rights and obligations of both parties, Agreed through the labor contract.


Strictly speaking, students studying in China are not allowed to practice. Because the main purpose of the so-called international students is to study in China, and what is written on their visas should also be study. Therefore, if foreign students go to work in the corresponding units at this time, it may constitute illegal employment, because it is inconsistent with the contents of the visa, unless the enterprise notes internship on its residence certificate through formal channels.


According to the provisions of the labor contract law, the labor contract is terminated when the employee reaches the legal retirement age (the current standard is that the male employee of the enterprise is 60 years old and the female employee is 50 years old) or begins to enjoy the pension benefits.


However, if the foreign employee reaches the retirement age stipulated by Chinese law, can the enterprise terminate the labor contract? The Shanghai court once held that the regulations of Shanghai did not prohibit foreigners who reached the legal retirement age from continuing to work in Shanghai. The Beijing court held that the company can terminate the labor contract on the ground that the foreign employees have reached the legal retirement age in China, and there is no need to pay economic compensation.



The labor contract law stipulates that after the same employer and employee have concluded two consecutive fixed-term labor contracts, when the contract is renewed again, a labor contract with no fixed term shall be concluded. However, when the same enterprise has signed two fixed-term labor contracts with foreign employees, the issue of whether employees can request to sign an indefinite labor contract is different in different regions. Regional interpretation shall prevail.


First, according to the provisions on the administration of employment of foreigners in China, the term of a foreign-related labor contract shall not exceed five years, and the labor contract shall be terminated upon expiration. Both parties may renew the labor contract after completing the examination and approval procedures for employment of foreigners.


合并起来美国签证找大鹤 微信号:usadahe
