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If the visa is expired, it will constitute illegal residence。


Identification of illegal residence


According to Article 25 of the regulations of the people's Republic of China on the administration of the entry and exit of foreigners, an alien who has one of the following circumstances within the territory of China shall be regarded as illegal residence:

(一)超过签证、停留居留证件规定的停留居留期限停留居留的;Staying beyond the period of stay stipulated in the visa or residence permit;


Foreigners who enter with free visa stay beyond the visa free period and do not apply for residence permit;

(三) 外国人超出限定的停留居留区域活动的;

Foreigners' activities beyond the limited residence area;


Other illegal residence situations.


Legal liability of foreigners' visa overdue (not handled or not handled in time)

1. 被国家公安机关视为“三非”(非法入境、非法居留、非法就业)外国人,是国家公安机关、警察执法打击的对象;

 Foreigners who are regarded as "three non" (illegal entry, illegal residence and illegal employment) by the state public security organs are targeted by the state public security organs and the police;

2. 随时面临非常严重的法律责任:巨额罚款(每日500元)、5~15天(最高可高达20天)拘留、强制遣送回国(5年以上不能入境)。

Face very serious legal liabilities at any time: huge fine (500 yuan per day), 5-15 days (up to 20 days) detention, mandatory repatriation (no entry for more than 5 years).


Serious consequences of foreigners' overdue visa and illegal residence


After overdue, they can not enjoy the normal life in China as others, such as:

1. 不能自由回国; 

Not free to return home

2. 因为不能办理外国人工作许可证,不能享受到合理的薪酬待遇,不能享受到社保医保等福利; 

Because they can't apply for a foreigner's work permit, they can't enjoy reasonable salary, social security, medical insurance and other benefits

3. 因为担心会被周围的群众举报,遇事忍气吞声,不敢理直气壮、正大光明地维护自己正常的合法权益; Because of the fear of being reported by the masses around him, he has to swallow his pride and dare not safeguard his normal legitimate rights and interests in a righteous and aboveboard manner


Incorrect attitude towards legal treatment of overdue visa and illegal residence:


Regard your visa overdue and illegal residence as a high degree of privacy. For fear of being reported by others, they are unwilling to disclose their overdue visa and illegal residence to anyone (including their compatriots)


Correct attitude towards legal treatment of overdue visa and illegal residence:

1. 必须及时处理,不能回避、也没法回避——因为早晚要面对这一天。

We must deal with it in time, and we can't and can't avoid it - because we have to face this day sooner or later

2. 既然早晚要处理,还是早处理早好——处罚相对较轻,只需要缴纳少量的罚款,可以不被拘留(5~20天)、强制遣送回国和列入外国人黑名单。

Since we have to deal with it sooner or later, we'd better deal with it sooner-- The punishment is relatively light, requiring only a small amount of fine, no detention (5-20 days), mandatory repatriation and blacklist of foreigners.

3. 但如果晚处理,则处罚较重——罚款高,拘留(5~20天)、强制遣送回国更是无法避免,后果严重。而且因为会被列入外国人黑名单(有了非法行为记录和违法案底),不仅5年以上没法再次入境,而且移交本国后本国警察部门也会留下不良记录,今后出国将无法取得“无犯罪证明”。However, if the case is handled late, the punishment will be heavier - the fine is high, detention (5-20 days) and compulsory repatriation are unavoidable, and the consequences are serious. Moreover, because they will be included in the blacklist of foreigners (with illegal behavior records and criminal records), they will not be able to re-enter the country for more than five years, and their police departments will also leave bad records after transferring them to their own countries, so they will not be able to obtain "no crime certificate" when going abroad in the future.


Warm tips, please pay attention to your visa expiration time, do not lead to visa overdue, illegal residence; If the visa is overdue, we must take a correct attitude to deal with the problem. In addition, only those who hold a foreigner's work permit and work visa can be legally employment. Holding any other visa is illegal employment. If you need to apply for a foreigner's work visa, you can contact us at any time.

2000/11/11 | Tags: | 中国绿卡 | 美签大鹤:微信号:usadahe

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