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Some people have asked, foreigners who have been working in Guangdong for more than two consecutive years can apply for an extension of their two-year work permit. so, If foreigners have worked in Guangdong for four consecutive years, can they apply for permanent residence in China? Let's talk about this topic today.



Policy: foreigners who have worked in Guangdong for 4 consecutive years and have actually resided in China for at least 6 months each year within the four years; foreigners with annual wage income (before tax) of more than 400000 yuan and paying wage personal income tax of more than 70000 yuan per year for four consecutive years can apply for permanent residence in China upon the recommendation of their work units.


It can be seen that foreigners who want to apply for permanent residence in China through this point not only need to work in Guangdong for four consecutive years, but also need to meet the actual living months of not less than six months, but also the annual wage income and tax situation.


If the conditions are met, what are the application materials?

申请材料 Materials

1. 《外国人在中国永久居留申请表(任职人员)》及四张蓝底两寸彩色照片

Application form for permanent residence of foreigners in China (Employee) and four two inch photos with blue background

2. 有效护照及签证证件原件,提交复印件(无须复印入境章页),要求申请人在近4年内每年在中国境内实际居住累计不少于6个月;

The original of valid passport and visa certificate, and the photocopy (no need to copy the entry seal page) shall be submitted. The applicant is required to live in China for at least 6 months in the past 4 years;

3. 中国政府指定的卫生检疫部门(深圳为皇岗口岸医院)出具的或者经中国驻外使、领馆认证的外国卫生医疗机构签发的健康证明书(自签发日起六个月内有效);

The health certificate issued by the health and quarantine department designated by the Chinese government (Shenzhen is Huanggang port hospital) or issued by foreign health and medical institutions certified by Chinese embassies and consulates abroad (valid within six months from the date of issue);

4. 经中国驻外使、领馆认证的国外无犯罪记录证明(连续居留2年以上的国家或地区均须提交,证明须经中国驻外使领馆认证,且证明及经中国驻外使领馆的认证出具时间应在受理之日前6个月内);

Certificate of no criminal record in foreign countries certified by Chinese embassies and consulates abroad (all countries or regions that have stayed continuously for more than 2 years shall submit the certificate, which shall be certified by Chinese embassies and consulates abroad, and the time of issuing the certificate and the certification of Chinese embassies and consulates abroad shall be within 6 months before the date of acceptance);

5. 申请人个人简历(18周岁至今,要求年份和月份之间连续)。如申请人曾具有中国国籍的,简历中须详细说明:出生信息、某年某月以何种身份出境、何时何地取得外国永久居留权、何时何地加入外国国籍,并提供①《退出中国国籍证书》或原国内户籍注销证明(原户籍所在地派出所出具)、②出境前往国外(以现持用外国护照标注的国籍为准)留学或定居时所持用的中国护照;③入外国国籍证书(需翻译)。

Resume of the applicant (from 18 years old to now, consecutive years and months are required).  If the applicant has ever had Chinese nationality, the resume should specify: birth information, when and what identity leave, when and where to obtain foreign permanent residence, when and where to join foreign nationality, and provide ① certificate of exit from Chinese nationality or original household registration certificate (original station of the local police station), ② The nationality indicated in the passport shall prevail) the Chinese passport used when studying or settling down; ③ certificate of foreign nationality (translation required).

6. 工作单位出具的申请之日前连续4年的工资收入证明原件;

Original proof of salary income for 4 consecutive years before the date of application issued by the employer;

7. 税务机关出具的个人所得税缴纳证明(纳税时间应为申请之日前连续4年);

Individual income tax payment certificate issued by the tax authority (the tax payment time shall be 4 consecutive years before the application date);

8. 现工作单位出具的推荐函原件(推荐函应注明申请人已在广东工作满4年、工资性年收入和年缴纳个人所得税达到规定标准等内容,并明确推荐其申请);

The original of the recommendation letter issued by the current employer (the letter of recommendation should indicate that the applicant has worked in Guangdong for 4 years, the annual wage income and the annual personal income tax paid meet the specified standards, etc., and the application should be clearly recommended);

9. 《外国人工作许可证》(有效时间段应为申请人申请之日前连续4年,证件上有关任职单位、职务及个人情况等信息应与任职证明等有关证明一致);

Work permit for foreigners (the valid period shall be 4 consecutive years before the application date of the applicant, and the information on the work unit, position and personal information on the certificate shall be consistent with the relevant certificates such as the employment certificate);

10. 任职单位的注册登记证明(如营业执照副本、组织机构代码等)和年检证明(原来为工商营业执照副本加盖年检章,现也可提供的企业在专门网站上提交的年检报告打印件并经受理部门核实,有效时间段应为申请人申请之日前连续4年);如任职单位是外商投资企业的,还应提交外商投资企业批准证书和联合年检证明(有效时间段应为申请人申请之日前连续4年,且与申请人任职时间相对应);

The registration certificate (e.g. duplicate of business license, organization code, etc.) and annual inspection certificate (the original copy of industrial and commercial business license was stamped with the annual inspection seal, but the printed copy of annual inspection report submitted by the enterprise on the special website can also be provided and verified by the accepting department. The effective period shall be 4 consecutive years before the application date of the applicant); if the working unit is a foreign-invested enterprise The approval certificate and joint annual inspection certificate of the foreign-invested enterprise shall also be submitted (the valid period shall be 4 consecutive years prior to the application date of the applicant, and shall correspond to the applicant's tenure of office);

11. 公安机关认为必须提供的其他证明材料。

Other evidential materials that the public security organ considers necessary.


The above are the materials required for the application. It should be noted that the supporting documents issued by the relevant foreign institutions must be certified by the Chinese embassy or consulate in the country. The foreign language materials shall be translated into Chinese, and the official seal of the translation company shall be stamped on the translation copy and the copy of the business license of the translation company.

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It is not easy to apply for permanent stay in China. According to the current situation, if the relevant matters need to be investigated and verified by the public security organs, the investigation time will not be included in the working days, and the examination and approval time will take about one year. Of course, to apply for permanent residence in China, in addition to the policy mentioned in this article, there are other relevant policies. See you next time. If you have any questions about foreigner work visa or permanent residence, please feel free to contact.

2000/11/11 | Tags: | 中国绿卡 | 美签大鹤:微信号:usadahe

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