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Foreigners working in China need to apply for a work permit and a work-type residence permit. Can the work permit continue to be used if the job changes? Dahe has sorted out some common questions for you to share as below.


什么是“外国人工作许可证”转聘?What is "Foreigner Work Permit" transfer?


Foreigner Work Permit is a legal document for a foreigner to work in China. Foreigners working in China who change employers need to apply for a work permit transfer.

为什么要办理“外国人工作许可证”转聘?Why need to apply for "Foreigner Work Permit" transfer?


When a foreigner changes jobs, he/she must apply for foreigner's work permit transfer at the same time. If the employer has been changed, but the work permit has not been transferred, then it's considered as illegal employment.

“外国人工作许可证”有效期多长?更换证件需要收费吗?How long is an foreigner Work Permit valid? Is there a fee for changing the work visa?


According to the criteria for foreigners to work in China, the validity of the work permit approved by the local management departments is not equal. Generally, the B-type talent is valid for a year, and needs to be renewed before it expires. The Exit and Entry Administration Bureau will have the corresponding visa fee.

哪些人需要办理转聘?Who needs to apply for work visa transfer?


A foreigner who has obtained a foreigner's work permit and changes company needs to handle it;

Foreigners need to cancel their existing work permits and change their residence permits (the Exit and Entry Administration regulations stipulate that the cancellation shall be made within 10 days after resignation, only some cities have slightly relaxed, so the timing of the resignation and employment transfer is very important).


Foreign workers who have obtained Chinese permanent residence ID card (green card) do not need to apply for a work permit. They can go through the procedure of resignation and then go through the procedure of entry in the new company.

办理转聘需要什么资料?What information is needed for transfer?




I. The following information is required for foreigners to cancel their work permits:

1. Application form for cancellation of work permit for foreigners in China;

2. Termination of the employment relationship, termination of the contract or other supporting materials related to the reasons for cancellation.

二、注销原工作许可后,自注销之日起 30 日内提交新工作许可申请,办理转聘应注意以下事项:




II. After the cancellation of the original work permit, the application for a new work permit shall be submitted within 30 days from the date of cancellation. The following matters shall be noted for the transfer of employment:

1. The work residence permit shall be within the validity period;

2. The new position should be basically the same as the previous one;

3. The resignation certificate of the previous company and the cancellation certificate of the work permit are required.

办理转聘需要多久?How long does it take to do work visa the transfer?


About 5+7 working days (Shenzhen for example).

单位委派去分公司工作,需要办理离职手续吗?Does foreigner need to deal with dimission procedures when delegated to work in branch by company?


Yes. During the period of employment in China, foreigners are required to change the work permit once they change the main employment unit.

2000/11/9 | Tags: | 中国绿卡 | 美签大鹤:微信号:usadahe

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