根据 (INA) §212(a)(3)(D):
(i) In general.-Any immigrant who is or has been a member of or affiliated with the Communist or any other totalitarian party (or subdivision or affiliate thereof), domestic or foreign, is inadmissible.
(ii) Exception for involuntary membership.-Clause (i) shall not apply to an
alien because of membership or affiliation if the alien establishes to the satisfaction of the consular officer when applying for a visa (or to the satisfaction of the Attorney General when applying for admission) that the membership or affiliation is or was involuntary, or is or was solely when under 16 years of age, by operation of law, or for purposes of obtaining employment, food rations, or other essentials of living and whether necessary for such purposes.
(iii) Exception for past membership.-Clause (i) shall not apply to an alien because of membership or affiliation if the alien establishes to the satisfaction of the consular officer when applying for a visa (or to the satisfaction of the Attorney General when applying for admission) that-
(I) the membership or affiliation terminated at least- (aa) 2 years before the date of such application, or
(bb) 5 years before the date of such application, in the case of an alien
whose membership or affiliation was with the party controlling the government of a foreign state that is a totalitarian dictatorship as of such date, and
(II) the alien is not a threat to the security of the United States.
(iv) Exception for close family members.-The Attorney General may, in the Attorney General's discretion, waive the application of clause (i) in the case of an immigrant who is the parent, spouse, son, daughter, brother, or sister of a citizen of the United States or a spouse, son, or daughter of an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence for humanitarian purposes, to assure family unity, or when it is otherwise in the public interest if the immigrant is not a threat to the security of the United States.
例外情形一:(a) 非自愿入党;(b) 低于16岁入党;(c) 为了糊口而不得不入党。
例外情形二:(a) 申请时已退党 2年以上;若该党为极权国家的执政党,则要退党5年以上;并 且 (b) 申请人不会给美国带来国家安全威胁。
例外情形三:若申请人为“close family members”,含义是美国公民的父母、配偶、子女、兄 弟姐妹,或因人道主义获得绿卡的永久居民的配偶和子女,即使其为共产党员,司法部长也有 权批准(当然也有权拒绝)其绿卡申请。
答:向 USCIS 撒谎是违法的,若被移民官员认定在申请过程中有 fraud/willful misrepresentation,申请将被拒绝,并且申请人终身不得入境美国(信息来源:https://www.uscis.gov/policymanual/HTML/PolicyManual-Volume8-PartJ-Chapter2.html#S-B)。
2006/1/30 | Tags:共产党员,美国签证,美国移民绿卡 | 美国法律 | 美签大鹤:微信号:usadahe